Cicada Film Festival

It’s on again so get noisy about an environmental issue
Make a film and make a difference
CFF2022 Entries close:
Threatened Species Day 7th September 2022
Winners Announced:
22nd October 2022 – that’s 22 10 2022

Watch the 2020 Cicada Film Festival Finalists’ Films
with an introduction by CFF Youth Ambassador Shaylea Bradford
Watch the Winners Announcements during the Online Awards Night

Cicada Film Festival – Latest Updates

CFF Youth Ambassador Shaylea Bradford encouraging you to be in it to win it!

CFF Raffle winners

And the WINNERS of the CFF Raffle are:

  • 1st PRIZE WINNER  Terry Sullavan  Ticket Number: #424 A STRADDIE GETAWAY – ACCOMMODATION & TRANSPORT from Toni & Paul Bowler and Stradbroke Ferries Valued at $790
  • 2nd PRIZE WINNER  Simon Baltais  Ticket Number: #488 FILMMAKERS’ BOOTCAMP from Queensland Film & Television Valued at $300
  • 3rd PRIZE WINNER  Lavinia Wood  Ticket Number: #251 BUSH TUCKER SERIES PRINTS by Louise Saunders Valued at $120

Thanks to all those who supported the CFF Raffle by donating prizes and buying tickets. All of the money raised will be used to conduct CFF2021. There are four lucky winners from today’s Raffle but we will all be winners with empowered, informed, articulate youth speaking out for the environment.

Check out the raffle winners here.

Missed the awards night?

Find out the winners, watch the online event compered by Paul Bishop and Laura Eban by clicking the link below.


🎥 🥇 Congratulations to all the 2020 winners!

Make a film

  • Maximum three minutes
  • On an SEQ environmental issue
  • Two themes – General or Oceans
  • Two age groups: Under 14 or Open (14 – 24)

Win Prizes

1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded in four categories:

  • General – under 14
  • General – open (14 – 24)
  • Oceans – under 14
  • Oceans – open (14 – 24)

View CFF films

  • 2020 WINNING FILMS ONLINE 20 of the best short films by SEQ youth in 2020 on the CFF YouTube
  • AWARDS NIGHT ONLINE Find out the winners, prizes and sponsors for 2020 compered by Cr Paul Bishop and CFF Youth Ambassador Laura Eban

Cicada Film Festival Latest News

A big noise for the environment

The CFF’s 2020 short films are anazing! The topics are diverse, ranging from big picture marine pollution issues to small but significant insects, even cicadas get a mention! Thanks to all the SEQ youth for making a noise about the environment through their entries.  Get online for the launch of the Premiere Screenings on 23rd October.  By watching the films you can determine the winners of the Viewers’ Choice Award – the 2020 entry (one in each age category) watched the most between the launch on 23rd, and 29th October.  Prizes for the Viewers’ Choice films include Film & TV Workshops from the Queensland School of Film & Television (QSFT)Winners of the Viewers’ Choice Award from QSFT and the $4,550 cash prizes from our other great sponsors will be announced online on Friday 30th October! Join us for these shrilling times!!

Rotary Club of Redland Sunrise Most Viewed Award

Rotary Club of Redland Sunrise Most Viewed Award

Help a young filmmaker gain a prize!
Viewing these 2019 films will determine the winner of the Rotary Club of Redland Sunrise Most Viewed Award of $500!

These award-winning short films by entrants from 8 – 23 years of age raise diverse issues. By viewing these films you can help the entrants win $500, which is awarded for the most viewed film from the YouTube playlist.

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Redlands Sunrise the prize will be presented at the 2020 Cicada Film Festival Premiere Screening & Awards Night.

Shrills & thrills. Let the voices of youth reverberate throughout the year!

Click here to view the 2019 CFF Playlist – there’s $500 to be won!



What is the criteria for entry?

Winners are determined by the collective score of the judges. The highest score in each category is determined the winner.
Be sure to meet the criteria to score highly.

  1. Competence in the art of filmmaking or animation.
    Score 0-25
  2. Relevance to SEQ’s species, habitats and/or conservation issues.
    Score 0-15
  3. Inspires, touches the spirit, makes us wonder, laugh, shed a tear.
    Score 0-15
  4. Well thought out storyline that offers a solution.
    Score 0-15
  5. Based on facts and/or science.
    Score 0-10
What areas are considered South East QLD?

The areas are:

  • Brisbane City
  • Ipswich City
  • Logan City
  • Moreton Bay Region
  • Redland City
  • City of Gold Coast
  • Sunshine Coast Region including Noosa 
  • Lockyer Valley
  • Scenic Rim
  • Somerset
  • Toowoomba City
Are there any forms to fill in?

When submitting your film you will need to complete:

  • An entry form

And if required:

  • Location Agreement
  • Music Release
  • Talent Release
What are the terms and conditions of entry?

The Terms and Conditions are:


The Cicada Film Festival (CFF) was initiated in 2011 by the Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld Bayside Branch hereby known as ‘The Organisers’.

  • There are two Categories: (1) GENERAL theme and (2) OCEANS theme
  • There are two Age Groups: (1) Open (14 -24 years inclusive) and (2) Under 14 (13 years of age and under)
  • Entrants must be residents of South-East Queensland (SEQ) as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

You can find information on the areas defined as South-East Queensland by downloading the CFF map.

Terms & Conditions (1 – 19)

1) Films entered in the General Category of the Cicada Film Festival are to highlight a particular conservation issue relevant to SEQ. Films entered in the Oceans Category should address marine issues with a specific relevance to SEQ’s Moreton Bay. All films should suggest effective solutions.

2) Entries in either the General or Oceans Categories in both the Open and Under 14 age groups are to:

a) be any style or combination of styles  (documentary and/or drama); and use video/stills imagery/animation

b) be based on facts/science and at the same time be entertaining

c) demonstrate competence in the art of film-making/animation

Entries must be:

3) a maximum of three (3) minutes duration (including credits; and not contain any commercial music

4) predominately the work of the entrants i.e. imagery from third parties must not exceed thirty percent (30%) of content; and, any third-party content must comply with copyright laws

5) Produced between 8th June 2019 and 7th September 2020 by residents of SEQ aged under 25 years

6) Submitted online at or, by USB to Post Office Box 427 Capalaba Q 4157; and all entries must clearly indicate the name/s of entrant/s and the film’s title

7) Received by the Organisers by 7th September and be accompanied by the following completed forms:

a) Entry Form; b) thumbnail and spiel about your film for upload to CFF’s YouTube Channel; c) and if applicable: Location Release Form; Music Release Form; and Talent Release Form which are available from the CFF

How to Enter page

Entrants must:

8) Comply with all laws and regulations including those relating to COVID-19 during the making of their films

9) Ensure their entry does not contain classifiable elements i.e. foul language, violence or nudity

10) Gain written permission from those whose images, voices, music or property appear in their film (as per #7)

Find forms via

11) Not be related to members of the 2020 Judging Panel

12) Accept that: a) 1st Prize winners are ineligible to win 1st Place prizes in the year following their win; and

b) entries are limited to three (3) films per entrant and major prizes limited to one (1) per entrant

By entering the Cicada Film Festival you:

13) Allow the Organisers to publicly screen your film free of charge; upload your film to the internet; and grant the Organisers non-exclusive worldwide rights to your film

14) Indemnify the Organisers against any losses or damage incurred during the making of your film

15) Agree that the Organisers can use photographs of you associated with the Cicada Film Festival

16) Understand that Organisers reserve the right not to show or share films considered to be inappropriate, defamatory or libellous

17) Understand the Judges’ decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into

18) Affirm that you have read, understand and accept the Terms and Conditions

19) Are aware that Online Premiere Screenings will be hosted in October and Winners announced during an Awards Night on Friday 30th October.


Thank you to our Sponsors






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Views expressed in the films are not necessarily those of the Cicada Film Festival organisers or sponsors