♥ Diary Date: Sunday 11th September, IndigiScapes Capalaba

Looking for a story to tell? Looking for some good photos or footage for your film?  Then get to IndigiScapes Environmental Education Centre on Sunday 11th September where you can get up close to a koala, bilby and eagle.  You can find out all about these and other animals, their habitats, and what people can and are doing to help.  And you can help by telling their stories in a short film! Bushcare-Major-Day-Out-A4-Poster

♥ Diary Date: February 26th @ 7.30pm, IndigiScapes Capalaba

Close encounters of the wildlife kind can be had at the Wildlife Queensland’s Bayside Branch meeting on 26th February. Come along to IndigiScapes, Capalaba for a unique, close-up and personal experience with Geckoes Wildlife.


During 2014, Geckoes Wildlife attended workshops conducted by Julie Geldard of VicPicPro with assistance from a Redland City Council Grant.  Held at Russell Island State School, Kindilan Outdoor Education & Recreation Centre and Bay View State School, Julie’s workshops enabled students to get up close with wildlife as well as learn some filming techniques should they want to enter Wildlife Bayside’s Cicada Short Film & Animation Awards.

So here’s an opportunity not to be missed!  Whether a student wanting to get some film or photos of wildlife for the Cicada Awards (entries close 10th October), or you just want to experience some of Australia’s unique wildlife close up, come along on Friday night.  It starts at 7.30pm; admission is by a gold coin donation; and supper is provided.