How to Enter

 To be eligible for CFF2022 entrants must:

  • Comply with the Terms and Conditions
  • Live in the South-East Queensland region
  • Complete the CFF2022 Entry Form
  • Complete and send the Release Forms relevant to your production
  • Check you have completed all the required tasks listed on the Entrant Checklist
  • Submit a short-film produced between 30th October 2020 and 7th September 2022

1. Get An Idea

The Cicada Film Festival is looking for short films with an environmental theme relevant to South East QLD.
And there’s plenty of issues to choose from. You can learn about these from the media, environmental education centres, school projects or from organisations working to deal with these issues. Take a look through newspapers, do an internet search and talk with friends, family, teachers and neighbours.


2. Follow the rules!

It matters how long your film is, what it can be about and who can be an entrant.

So make sure you check out the CFF2022 Terms and Conditions below.

And to see how the Judging Panel score your film, be sure to take note of the Criteria.

3. Write your script, film and edit

Research online, ask your friends to be part of it! Ask others who may be able to advise.

Check out the tutorial on ‘How to make a film to enter the WPSQ Cicada Film Festival‘.


4. Submit Your Entry

Your entry will consist of:

  • Your film
  • Entry Form
  • One or more of the three Release Forms (only submit those which are relevant to your film).

Be sure you submit by the closing date 7th September 2022.

Entry Information and Conditions



Winners are determined by the collective score of the judges. The highest score in each category is determined the winner.
Be sure to meet the criteria to score highly.


  1. Competence in the art of filmmaking or animation. Score 0-25
  2. Relevance to SEQ’s species, habitats and/or conservation issues. Score 0-15
  3. Inspires, touches the spirit, makes us wonder, laugh, shed a tear. Score 0-15
  4. Well thought out storyline that offers a solution. Score 0-15
  5. Based on facts and/or science. Score 0-10

Important Conditions

Films must be:

A maximum of three (3) minutes duration (including credits; and not contain any commercial music

Predominately the work of the entrants i.e. imagery from third parties must not exceed thirty percent (30%) of content; and, any third-party content must comply with copyright laws

Produced between 30th October 2020 and 7th September 2022 by residents of SEQ aged under 25 years

Submitted online at, by USB to Post Office Box 427 Capalaba Q 4157; and, all entries must clearly indicate the name/s of entrant/s and the film’s title

Received by the Organisers by 7th September 2022 and be accompanied by the following completed forms:

a) Entry Form

b) thumbnail and spiel about your film for upload to CFF’s YouTube Channel

c) and if applicable: Location Release Form; Music Release Form; and Talent Release Form which are available from the CFF


Check out the list below for the eligible regions or download the map.

  • Brisbane City
  • Ipswich City
  • Logan City
  • Moreton Bay Region
  • Redland City
  • City of Gold Coast
  • Sunshine Coast Region including Noosa
  • Lockyer Valley
  • Scenic Rim
  • Somerset
  • Toowoomba City


Legal Forms to Complete

If you are using a location other than your home, music created by a friend, and or actors or presenters in your film, you will need to complete the forms below. Complete those which are relevant to your production.

Location Agreement

If you are filming on public or private property you may need to complete a film location release. Private property is a house or business premises. Public space is a park or council land, school, public building. There are laws that affect filming on public and private property.

For more information on film location releases see Arts Law Centre of Australia info sheet Film Location releases

Music Release

A Music Release is used when a producer wants to synchronise existing music and an existing master tape of the music to a soundtrack for a video or film. It is appropriate when the composer of the music owns the copyright in both the music and lyrics. This release is only relevant when one of your friends has written and recorded the music you intend to use in your film. If you have used music written by a friend or family member you will need to download, complete and have the music owner sign the release.

If you require a license for any other music you may need to contact APRA AMCOS for advice.

You may choose to use Royalty Free Music. You can find a list of royalty free music sites here.

Talent (Actor/Presenter) Release

 A talent release form gives you the right to distribute a film with an actor’s or presenter’s likeness, and is used anytime you have talent in front of a camera. A talent release form is a document that gives you (the filmmaker) permission to distribute and sell your video or film with the permission of your actor or presenter. 

Tips on how to make a film for Cicada Film Festival

You can get some great tips on filming and editing from this Short Tutorial made especially by VidPicPro to help you. 

Upload your entry 

Are you done? Check out the 2020 CFF Entrant Checklist, then complete the form below and upload your film and required documents or post a USB, completed Entry Form and Releases to WPSQ Bayside Branch Inc, PO Box 427 CAPALABA Q 4157.

Entry Form 


Thank you to our Sponsors



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Views expressed in the films are not necessarily those of the Cicada Film Festival organisers or sponsors